Why sell your items to us?

Not only do we provide you with the most money we can, we also believe in paying it forward. Let me explain... we believe if your going to be a loyal customer to us. We also want to be loyal to you as well, so if you regularly bring your items in for pawn or to sell. We will in turn take care of you and make sure when your ready to buy something that you get the best deal possible.

There are a few other things to consider.

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Although the new apps can be good way to sell used goods and for the most part effective. It has been our experience that at the end of the day you barely got more than you would have got from us. You really have to be careful meeting people that you don't know especially  with valuable items. Independent Pawn offers a safe place for you to do just that and you don't have to worry about who your meeting up with. We will be as fair as possible. We are not trying to strike fear in your hearts, we have watched some videos of the snatch and runs and worse. Just be very careful and take the proper precautions.

On-Line Venues

Although very effective on some goods not so much on others, we know first hand because we sell quite a bit on the internet through eBay, Amazon etc. It's a job and can be a hassle logistically, finding the right shipping vessels and materials and not to mention it's costly. It's what we do because it's our job, it shouldn't be a job to sell something that you no longer want or need. Give us a shot! Let us find the buyers, It's What We Do...

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The Unknown

You never really fully know people and with the craziness surrounding our lives every day, the last thing you should ever do is sell your firearm to someone that you don't know at least as well as your own brother,sister, mom or dad. Just a little unsolicited  advice, always sell your guns to a dealer or at least pay a dealer to do a transfer. That way you will know that the person you are selling your firearm to can qualify to own it.  With that said we buy all firearms and collections, we regularly beat out gun buyers like Collectors Firearms. We also do firearm transfers, if you would like to do a transfer (Click on the Contact Kylie button below)

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Hakuna Matata (No Worries)

With the current climate of uncertainty Independent Pawn takes the security and well being of our customers very seriously. Along with 16 cameras we have various panic buttons located through out the facility. Independent Pawn has a vault that would rival most banks in the Houston and surrounding areas and to further the security there are six safes located inside the vault, all highly rated. All high value items are secured with in these safes and vault. We also have a state of the art security system monitored 24/7.  If all this fails which is highly unlikely we are fully insured for not only our interests but yours as well. All your goods are fully protected while in our facility, as well as all precautions taken for your safety.