“Clean Organized With A Friendly Staff! Here To Help”

It is absolutely free, there are no administration fees or cost to use it. Minimum down payment is 10%. Lay-a-ways are written for 10 months. Your balance is divided into equal payments to paid monthly until the balance is paid in full. Due dates are flexible (Up to 10 days grace) if you find yourself needing an addition week or so just let us know.
Start a new layaway on general in store merchandise here.
Make a payment on an existing layaway here.
Start a new layaway or make a payment here.
Click here to purchase now.
Flexible Lay-a-way!
3 Month 5% Down - 6 Month 10% Down - 9 Month 15% Down - 12 Month 20% Down
3 Month Minimum $50 - 6 Month Minimum $400 - 9 Month Minimum $800 - 12 Month Minimum $1200

$25.00 for the first firearm and $10.00 for each additional firearm
FREE with purchase of $50.00 in ammo! (Also recieve a FREE entry to win Pawn Plays)
Are you needing to transfer a firearm?
Just hit the contact Kylie button, fill in all the information on the Firearms Transfer Form and Kylie will get in touch with you ASAP!
Company BIO:
Kylie is a third generation pawnbroker in the company. She is our Office Manager and among many things she handles all your FFL needs:
FFL Transfers
Gun form checks
Gun Logs
Maintains all records
Kylie will handle your transfer swiftly and accurately!
Buying, Selling, Loaning, Trading

We buy solid gold bars, coins or jewelry rather it's new, used, or broken—and we pay you cash on the spot. Our highly-trained and knowledgeable staff will evaluate your gold to determine karat grade of gold (10k, 14k, 16k, 18k, or 24k), perform an acid test to ensure that it's solid gold and weigh your merchandise for valuation.
Just about everyone has jewelry sitting around in a jewelry box or in a drawer from and ex spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. Turn that gold into cash today. Or maybe you have some jewelry that you just don't wear anymore because it has become dated and out of style, we pay cash.
gold & silver coins
Now is the time to cash in your silver and gold coins while the market is still high, it will return to normal and there is a huge difference between current market value and what it was prior to the crunch. We also have a selection of coins for sale. Come see us today!
Dental Gold
Believe it or not dental gold is real gold. The different gold alloys commonly used in dentistry have a karat value ranging anywhere from around 10 to 22. At 10 karats, the alloy is about 40% gold. Probably on average, the typical yellow-colored gold dental crown is around 16 karat (67%). If you have some bring it in today and turn it into cash.
Pawnshop Myths Busted
Pawn shops are among some of the best places for you to shop for high-quality items for a bargain price. They are the best place to get cash fast, either by selling your valuables or putting them up for collateral for a pawn loan. Despite the many benefits of doing business with a pawn shop, some misconceptions remain.
Learn more by clicking on the Myths Busted button below.
Shop With Confidence
Independent Pawn has taken steps to make your shopping experience with us the best it can be!
Peace Of Mind
Independent Pawn backs all sales with our 100% satisfaction guarantee and our 30/60 warranty. No hassle returns for the first 30 days on defective goods and an additional 30 days on a prorated basis. Although nearly impossible to know how long a product will last we just wanted to make sure that you get your moneys worth.
Hakuna Matata (No Worries)
With the current climate of uncertainty Independent Pawn takes the security and well being of our customers very seriously. Along with 16 cameras we have various panic buttons located throughout the facility. Independent Pawn has a vault that would rival most banks in the Houston and surrounding areas and to further the security there are six safes located inside the vault, all highly rated. All high value items are secured with in these safes and vault. We also have a high end security system monitored 24/7. If all this fails which is highly unlikely we are fully insured for not only our interests but yours as well. All your goods are fully protected while in our facility, as well as all precautions taken for your safety.
Supplemental Lifetime Firearm Warranty
Your satisfaction is our highest priority. We now offer a supplemental Lifetime Firearm Warranty, Independent Firearms wants all our customers to be 100% satisfied. Independent Firearms warrants new and used firearms.
Supplemental Lifetime Firearm Warranty Terms and Conditions
In a continually changing industry, the one thing that has stayed constant for us in our mission is to provide good old fashioned customer service. We have always tried very hard to treat our customers with respect and provide the cleanest most professional Pawn Shop environment that they have ever witnessed. In Texas, the pawn industry is regulated by consumer credit and all the interest is structured and set by the state of Texas but not all loans are good. Although the interest is elevated in the Pawn Industry it’s relative compared to the banking industry, since they regulate us to only making smaller loans the elevated interest is necessary for pawn shops to be a viable source when small loans are needed. With that said we have always stuck to our principles and refused to offer predatory pay day type loans.
Independent Pawn shop's goal is to offer high-quality pawn loan services to the citizens of Texas. To also provide our customers with simple and affordable pawn loans to sort out their issues. We at Independent Pawn shop also plan to become friends and mentors to our customers as well as quality service providers.
Offer top dollar for merchandise, rather you're making a loan or selling. The items that bring the most on loans is guns and gold. However we will loan on anything of value.
To bring to you new technologies and tools that will make your life easier. Tools like a mobile App, that give you the ability to make payments anywhere any time. Track your loans and layaways.
To set the standard for Pawnshop cleanliness and organization. We believe that how you keep your store is how you will be perceived. We pride ourselves on having a top notch store!
To work with and build lasting relationships with our customers by providing our customers with the right tools to resolve issues. You now can contact the owner directly through the contact us complaint form even if it's not a complaint.
- Independent Pawn will transact business with our customers and the public with honesty & integrity.
- Independent Pawn maintains high standards for our employees, demanding integrity and courtesy when transacting with our customers.
- Independent Pawn has and always will maintain our business premises in a way that will set standards and reflect credit on the pawnshop industry in Texas.
- Independent Pawn will with reasonable efforts protect the goods of our customers from fire, theft, burglary and other similar hazards, and will return redeemed goods in a condition equal to that in which they were received.
- Independent Pawn has and always will cooperate to the full extent of our ability with the proper efforts of every duly-authorized law enforcement and government agency.
Independent Pawn will make every effort to ensure that it's employees follow this code on every transaction or communication with our customers.
If you feel that one of our employees has not lived up to this code please contact us, we want to hear about it.
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Have you ever wondered just how bad payday loans are? We have the facts!
Click on the learn more button below and educate yourself before you fall into the PayDay loan trap.
Pawn Shop History
Pawnbroking is not a new practice nor does it appeal to just one social class. As humankind’s oldest financial institution, pawn loans can be traced back at least 3,000 years to ancient China as well as early Greek and Roman civilizations. During the 14th Century, King Edward III of England is said to have frequented pawn stores in Europe. Queen Isabella is reported to have pawned her royal jewels to finance Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the New World.
Traditionally, the pawnbroker’s symbol is three gold spheres hanging from a bar. This stems from St. Nicholas, often referred to as the patron saint of pawnbroking. He is reported to have left three bags of gold so the daughters of a poor man could afford to marry, thus saving them from a life of slavery or prostitution. Later the tradition transformed the bags into three gold balls, which became the symbol of pawnbrokers.
Pawn Industry Overview
In today’s society, many people depend on pawnbrokers to help them meet daily financial needs not offered by other institutions. Pawn customers represent the working families of America who periodically experience an unexpected need for short-term funds. Pawn loans keep the electricity on, the rent paid and cars running with full tanks of gas.
Today’s pawn stores are attractive, welcoming places to do business. Most of them are family-owned and operated stores that offer superb customer service.
Pawnbrokers comply with all federal, state and local regulations and laws. In most jurisdictions, they provide local law enforcement with data on all transactions on a daily basis.
It was on a Sunday in 1979, my father always loved having a big Sunday breakfast with all his children present. My father known to most as Red, he had just been laid off from his job with Hollywood Door Company. My sister had brought along with her that Sunday a man that she had been dating for a while and his name was Rick. Well Rick had been working for a company called Schlumberger as an independent contractor putting together their trucks. It was about that time when the oilfield business had went bust and Rick too had found himself unemployed. Red had always been fascinated with the pawn industry and he was no stranger to pawning items himself with eight children. As you can imagine there was always some sort of financial draw when raising your own army. Those two sat there and hatched out a plan to start a pawn shop. It was to be named Rick & Reds.
There wasn’t a lot of money between them and they were going to need inventory, so they got to looking around their houses, gathered up everything that wasn’t essential or tied down for that matter. They applied for a pawn shop license and opened the first location in a small 1200 square foot rental space. They incorporated in 1983 as Findley White Inc. as partners they went on to open 5 more locations. I began to work in the company when I was 15, it was December 1985. Of course, as children we would often go to work with the old man. In 1986 they changed the name to Redi-Cash, it remained so until 2015. My Father Red had passed away in 2005, and the partnership had changed to four people. It was myself, my two sisters and Rick. It 2006 Rick and I bought out my two sisters and we remained partners until 2015. I bought Ricks stock and changed the name to Independent Pawn by this time I had been working in the company for 30 years. I guess that makes me second generation company man, now my daughter being third generation she works with me as I did with my father. It’s been quite a journey and it’s not over yet!
Legal Ends
Learn the laws & obtain assistance
Crime Assistance
If you are a victim of a crime involving stolen merchandise and you are trying to track your items down please fill out the form. We will be happy to assist you. Independent Pawn does not condone this type of behavior and will do our best if in our power to help you recover your goods.
Pawn Shop Laws
Licensing and Regulatory Authority: Commissioner of Consumer Credit
Texas Pawn Code
Pawning & Selling Stolen Goods
Independent Pawn does not condone this behavior and will file a suit for any loss incurred from the act.
You must Have:
- A legal right of ownership
- A valid Texas State issued ID, DL or Passport